Microsoft Relationship Sales

Bring the human touch to digital experiences. Transform relationship selling with Dynamics 365 Sales and LinkedIn Sales Navigator.

Find key decision makers

Identify people most likely to buy; Easily find ready buyers with LinkedIn Sales Navigator’s advanced search filters, and save the contact record directly to Dynamics 365.

Determine the buying committee; Get a clear view of an organization’s decision makers and their relationships.

Discover mutual connections; Within Dynamics 365, find colleagues who can provide a warm introduction.


Stay connected

Drive engagement with personalized content; Determine what content interests your customers by tracking their viewing behavior.

Keep track of customers; Track relationships with a single score based on signals from Dynamics 365 and Microsoft 365 that reveal relationship health and risks.

Take the next best action; Get actionable insights based on your contacts’ activities, such as switching jobs or opening presentations in Smart Links.


Reduce sales friction

Streamline customer research; Gain insights about companies and people by viewing profiles, recent activities, news, and job changes directly in Dynamics 365 Sales.

Get a unified view of interactions; Use comprehensive timelines across Dynamics 365, Microsoft 365, and LinkedIn Sales Navigator to deliver consistent experiences.

Mitigate opportunity risks; Identify opportunities at risk due to job changes, detected by LinkedIn.



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